a f f i l i a t e s
j u m p to:
Josiah is the Digital Advertising Lead at Arcade Studios, a branding agency located in Calgary, Alberta. Arcade offers a suite of services, including digital strategy, social media management, digital advertising, art direction & graphic design, photo & video, and website design for a variety of industries.
Josiah is an occasional panelist on the CBC News Network show, "Canada Tonight with Ginella Massa." You can catch Josiah talking about pop culture, international politics, the arts and more.
A faith community started in Calgary, Alberta 6 years ago, Experience Church is a place of heavy involvement in Josiah's life. Involved with community building, worship arts, prayer team, and hospitality, Experience Church is home to a diverse and encouraging group of people who seek a deeper relationship with God on Sundays. Learn more by clicking on their name above.
Freedom Tree is a non-profit organization and NGO that operates in Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Josiah spent two months on the ground in Sierra Leone with them in the summer of 2016 - applying for grants, meeting with involved parties, designing curriculum, and more. Currently, Josiah is involved through upkeep of the organization's social media and maintaining relationships pertaining to the curriculum he and his team developed in 2016.
Read an interview with Josiah on the Freedom Tree website here.
Frank + Oak is a clothing and apparel brand based out of Montreal, Quebec. The brand has recently grown tremendously in the international and Canadian market, and Josiah was asked in July 2017 to be a Style Influencer. Since then, they have asked Josiah to run more campaigns each month. Please use the Contact Page to see if there are any current promotions under Josiah's discount.